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US students use the Grade Transcript Service to send their Cambridge Advanced (International AS & A Level) exam grades and Cambridge AICE Diploma status to US colleges and universities. Transcripts cost $17 per request, per institution. This fee helps to ensure all student requests can be fulfilled expeditiously, tracked by students online, and available to colleges and universities by the dates indicated. Please note that fee waivers are not available through Cambridge.
Send AS & A Level grades with the Grade Transcript Service.
In general, after students matriculate to a college or university, they should submit a single request with Grade Transcript Service, which may include up to one future series plus all past series, for $17 per institution.
More dates and deadlines
In general, after students matriculate to a college or university, they should submit a single request via Grade Transcript Service, which may include up to one future series plus all past series, for $17 per institution.
Consult with colleges and universities to determine when to send Cambridge International exam grade transcripts. Institutions generally request an official transcript after a student has matriculated to (been accepted to and committed to) an institution, because it is used to determine the appropriate credit and course placement by the registrar.
Most admissions applications, including the Common Application, ask students to self-report grades. Official transcripts are typically not requested by institutions during the admissions process. Future exam series can be selected in the Grade Transcript Service form about three months prior to exams. June series results may be added to a request as early as late February before.
Where results have already been issued, institutions can view transcripts within 14 days after payment is received. For pre-ordered transcripts (where the payment is made before results release date) institutions can view transcripts within 14 days after results release day.
Institutions are notified by email when results are available for them to download.
Student requests for transcripts have increased rapidly in recent years along with operational costs. The fee per transcript will help to ensure all student requests can be fulfilled expeditiously, tracked online, and available to colleges and universities by the dates indicated.
Yes. About 3 months before each exam series starts, the series will become available to select in the Grade Transcript Form. You can pre-order June series transcripts starting in late February, and November series transcripts starting in mid-August.
Students may submit a single request for a fee of $17 per institution that can include both past exam series and one upcoming series’ grades that are not yet released.
Where results have already been issued, institutions can view transcripts within 14 days after payment is received. For pre-ordered transcripts (where the payment is made before results release date), institutions can view transcripts within 14 days after results release day.
No. You can choose one or more exam series to send (e.g., June 2021 and November 2021), but you cannot choose individual subjects from the series. All passing grades from exams you took during the series will appear in your transcript.
Most US institutions award credit or advanced course placement for qualifying grades on AS & A Level exams. Several US states offer college credit for success on AS & A Level exams. Search the Recognition Policy database to find admission, credit, and placement policies of colleges and universities. Check with institutions directly for their most up-to-date policies.
To send grade transcripts to a college or university outside the USA or the United Kingdom, please apply for a Certifying Statement. Students applying to a university in the United Kingdom do not need to send their exam grades. Colleges and universities in the United Kingdom may access applicants’ grades using the Universities and Colleges Admissions Service (UCAS).
If you need assistance with the online form, email Customer Services or call 917-810-2660 (toll free, open 24 hours from Saturday 8 pm to Friday 7:59 am, Eastern Time).
School may give students Cambridge Advanced (International AS & A Level) and Cambridge Pre-Advanced (IGCSE) grades online via the Candidate Results website or printed out.
Release dates for specific exams series are available on the webpage Key dates and activities. If you have questions or concerns about your exam grades, consult with your school’s Cambridge exams officer or guidance counselor. Your school can ask us to review your results (this is called an enquiry about results), and there is a time limit for this.
Cambridge International AS & A Level Certificate (PDF, 1006KB)
Cambridge AICE Diploma (PDF, 1MB)
Cambridge IGCSE Certificate (PDF, 73KB)
Cambridge ICE Statement of Results (PDF, 1MB)
Apply for a Certifying Statement if you need a replacement paper grade report. If you are sending this to an institution, please check that they will accept a certifying statement as proof of your exam results. We process correctly submitted certifying statement applications within four weeks of receiving them.