The following US states and systems have established Cambridge policies to support equity and access in higher education.
Since 2010, the Arizona initiative Move On When Ready (MOWR) has partnered with Cambridge to prepare Arizona students for college and career through student-centered, competency-based learning. Arizona students can earn a Grand Canyon Diploma by passing a series of Cambridge exams to show college readiness.
In addition, the Arizona Board of Regents policy requires all 4-year public institutions to align their scores and the amount of credit awarded across all three universities. They also require evidence-based reasons if credit is not granted.
Since 2001 Florida has embraced Cambridge to improve student outcomes and encourage achievement. Public colleges and universities in Florida are required to award the minimum recommended credit as designated for Cambridge International AS & A Level exams (which comprise the Cambridge AICE Diploma). Up to 45 total credit-by-exam credits may be awarded for guaranteed transfer.
Through the Bright Futures Scholarship, Florida students who complete the Cambridge AICE Diploma, along with other requirements, qualify for free tuition at Florida state colleges.
All public colleges and universities in the state of Indiana will award college credit to students earning a score of E or higher on AS & A Level exams. This gives Cambridge International AS & A Level courses the same grade weighting as other advanced courses offered to high school students.
In February 2023, the Kansas Board of Regents (KBOR) approved the addition of Cambridge's Advanced exams to the state's Credit for Prior Learning Policy. Beginning July 1, 2023, all institutions governed or coordinated by KBOR shall award credit for all Cambridge examination scores of E or above on Advanced Levels (A Levels) exams and e or above on Advanced Subsidiary Levels (AS Levels) exams when evaluated for the equivalent course or courses at their institution. More information can be found at AP/CLEP/IB and CI Exams and Scores ( (For a list of these courses, please refer to the institution's website.) This approval applies to all institutions governed by KBOR, including six state universities, nineteen community colleges, six technical colleges, and one municipal university.
In November 2022, the Kentucky Community & Technical College System added Cambridge Advanced exams to its administrative policies on credit for prior learning. This policy applies to all colleges in the KCTCS system. Students will be awarded credit for earning an E or higher on an AS or A Level examination. Faculty committees will be working over the next few months to identify the relevant courses for which credit will be granted.
Per HB966 of the 2022 legislative session, by October 1, 2022, public institutions of higher education must determine grades for awarding academic credit for the Cambridge Advanced International Certificate of Education Diploma Program examinations. The policies and procedures must indicate how academic credit will be awarded and include procedures related to transferring academic credits awarded from prior learning examinations to another public institution of higher education. Each public institution and the Maryland Higher Education Commission (MHEC) must post the policies and procedures.
In 2019, the Mississippi Institutions of Higher Learning (IHL) voted to add a credit-by-exam award policy for Cambridge International AS & A Level exams to the list of Accelerated Programs receiving such credit at all public institutions of higher education in the state. The policy emphasizes credit for college courses on the common transfer matrix so that students may easily transfer credits awarded by the community college to a four-year institution.
Per Board of Trustees of the Nebraska State Colleges Policy 4430, the Nebraska State Colleges may give credit for education received from Cambridge courses and exams. The Colleges are authorized to use recommendations published by the American Council on Education (ACE) to evaluate and accept Cambridge exam grades for college credit.
New York
The City University of New York (CUNY) policy was established by Board approval, and is cited on the CUNY system website, Credit for Prior Learning ( CUNY designates that for Cambridge International AS & A Level exams, credits shall be awarded for grades of E or better (US equivalent of C or better).
North Carolina
In November 2019, the University of North Carolina (UNC) Board of Governors voted to award undergraduate course credit for certain scores on Cambridge International AS & A Level exams across all institutions in the system, beginning in fall 2020. This new policy recognizes that it is in the best interest of students, and the state, that any student demonstrating achievement in advanced coursework such as Cambridge, receive credit so that they can complete a degree in a timely manner. Additionally, the policy recognizes that students and parents deserve clear and consistent information regarding the awarding of undergraduate credit and requires that institutions make such information easily available through websites and catalogs.
In addition, institutions in the North Carolina Community College System will now award college credit to any student earning an E grade on Cambridge Advanced examinations, giving AS & A Level courses the same college credit opportunities as other advanced courses offered to students.
North Dakota
The North Dakota University System (NDUS) adopted Cambridge Assessments to their system-wide higher education credit for prior learning policies. Starting in Fall 2023, incoming students enrolling in the eleven public colleges and universities in ND will have opportunities to earn college credit for earning passing on Cambridge exams. The NDUS academic discipline groups approved AS and A Level exams with passing grades of e/E for Chemistry 9701, Economics 9708, and Mathematics 9709. The Credit by Exam Chart has been updated on the NDUS Pre-College Credits webpage to reflect the approvals. The academic committees will review Biology 9700, English Language 9093, Physics 9702, and Sociology 9699 in fall 2023, and additional reviews will continue in the spring 2024 semester.
In 2022, the PA General Assembly approved HB 1642, establishing secondary course weighting similar to other advanced academic programs, and instructing PA public Institutions of Higher Education to include Cambridge in the award of college credit for AS and A levels.
South Carolina
In March 2021, the South Carolina Commission on Higher Education (CHE) established that each public institution of higher education shall give credit in appropriate Cambridge courses for scores of E or higher on a Cambridge International Advanced AS & A Level examination.
Under 2015 legislation, all public institutions of higher education in Virginia award college course credit for qualifying scores on both Cambridge International AS & A Level exams. The purpose of this policy is to assist the state of Virginia in meeting its higher education completion goals to: maximize students’ ability to earn college credit consistent with institutions’ academic standards; enhance transparency for Virginia students seeking course credit for prior learning; contribute to lower costs for Virginia families by enhancing students’ ability to complete a degree in a timely manner; improve the college transfer environment; and support quality of undergraduate education at Virginia public institutions.
Across the state of Washington colleges and universities accept Cambridge for admission, and most award college credit for qualifying exam grades. Legislation passed in Washington state requires all public two- and four-year colleges and universities to award credit for Cambridge International AS & A Level courses at the grade of e/E or above for general education/transfer courses, requiring evidence-based reasons if not granted.
In addition to scholarships offered by individual institutions, two states have linked Cambridge performance to scholarship opportunities.
- Florida Bright Futures Scholarship: Students who receive the Cambridge AICE Diploma and meet other requirements can receive full tuition at public Florida state colleges and universities.
- Kentucky Educational Excellence Scholarship (KEES): Kentucky students who earn the KEES scholarship and have been eligible for free or reduced‐price lunch during any year of high school can earn a supplemental award when they receive qualifying scores on Cambridge International AS & A Level exams.
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