Cambridge offers online, virtual, and face-to-face professional development for PreK–12 teachers, school leaders, and exams officers. If you would like help choosing the right professional development courses and sequences, please contact your Cambridge School Implementation Manager.
Recommended for: Teachers and school leaders, all levels
Our Enrichment Professional Development is perfect for teachers and school leaders who want to transform their approach to teaching. Experienced Cambridge trainers lead educators in exploring key skills in teaching and learning, from concepts to practical strategies. Workshops include: Active learning and assessment for learning, Metacognition: boosting students’ learning, and more.
Enrichment courses
Introductory (syllabus-specific)
Recommended for: Teachers new to Cambridge or a subject area
Introductory courses introduce teachers to Cambridge syllabuses and curriculum frameworks in their subject area. Teachers are introduced to the resources available online and off. Instructors will also familiarize teachers with the Cambridge approach to teaching and learning.
Syllabus-specific courses
Extension (syllabus-specific)
Recommended for: Teachers who have been teaching a Cambridge subject area for at least one year
Extension training helps experienced teachers to get a deeper understanding of syllabus aims and assessment objectives; explore how to use sample questions and examiner reports to support learners; and further understand and apply mark schemes to recent candidate responses. Extension training also includes online marking workshops for either coursework or exam papers, and training on improving speaking performance.
Syllabus-specific courses
Exam administration
Recommended for: New and experienced exams officers
We hold orientation welcome sessions for new exams officers. We also hold periodic webinars for all exams officers which include updates on current and upcoming exam series.
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