For the June 2022 series, you should try to deliver all exams, coursework, speaking and practical tests according to the syllabus requirements. However, we know that you are still facing different challenges in managing teaching, learning and assessment for June 2022 because of the ongoing impact of the pandemic.
This interactive guide will help you understand the routes to grades options available for your candidates. Start by choosing one of the following options to find out more about how that route works, how to use it, and how to use other routes alongside it.
If your country is open and able to run exams, but there are no component adjustments or exemptions available for the syllabuses your candidates are taking, then you may need to consider withdrawing them from June 2022 and re-entering them into a future exam series.
How do I know which option to choose?
The scenarios shown below are just some of the situations we know our centres and candidates are experiencing. We have matched each of these with a possible starting point for a route to grades. If you are unsure which option on the interactive guide to choose as your starting point, check the scenarios to see if any of them apply to you. If you are still unsure, please contact us: