Before each exam check that you and your invigilators are ready.
- Is the exam room set up correctly?
- Do you have the right question papers and candidate materials?
- Do you have the right attendance register?
- Do you have the right number of invigilators?
- Do you have a tested method of calling for assistance?
- Do your candidates know where they need to be and when?
- Do you know what to do when:
- your candidates enter the room?
- your candidates are seated?
- a candidate asks a question during the exam?
- the exam finishes?
Meet regularly with your invigilator team to talk through any issues and to make sure they are recording any incidents.
If you need to use a supplementary attendance register, add a cover sheet to candidate's script or inform us of an incident, please complete and return the relevant form:
Supplementary Attendance Register - Exam Day - Form 1 (PDF, 622KB)
Supplementary Multiple-Choice Answer Sheet - Exam Day - Form 2a (PDF, 168KB)
Late Arrivals - Exam Day - Form 3 (PDF, 567KB)
Access Arrangements Cover Sheet - Exam Day - Form 4 (PDF, 988KB)
Comments on the Exam - Exam Day - Form 8 (PDF, 545KB)
Question Paper Packet opened in error - Exam Day - Form 11 (PDF, 605KB)
Reporting an Unauthorised Entry - Exam Day - Form 12 (PDF, 565KB)
Supplementary Answer Booklet - Exam Day - Form 13 (PDF, 1MB)
Read the section on how to conduct exams in the Cambridge Handbook to make sure you feel confident about running our exams in your school.