Frequently asked questions
1. Will more syllabuses be added to the service in future exam series?
At the moment the data available through Results Analysis is limited to nine of our most popular Cambridge IGCSEs. The feedback we receive from customers will help us to plan further developments, including potentially adding more syllabuses.
2. Will this help me decide to apply for an enquiry about results?
The information available in the Results Analysis will help you improve your understanding of how well your students are learning and how they have performed in each exam. You can also use the information to understand how close to a grade boundary individual candidates are.
3. Can I share the data?
Results Analysis contains candidates’ personal data and, in some cases, sensitive personal data. Cambridge provides this data for schools' internal use only. Please treat this data carefully as you would any other data about your students. If you wish to share this data with a third party, ensure you have the required candidate consent before you share the data. Please see the ‘Candidates’ section, under ‘Centre and Cambridge Associate responsibilities’, in the Cambridge Handbook for our regulations on the protection of personal data and sensitive personal data. You can find the Cambridge Handbook on our exams officer guide page.
4. Who has access to Results Analysis?
Exams officers from both Cambridge International Schools and Cambridge Associate Schools have access to Results Analysis. Exams officers can give access to teachers in their school through the School Support Hub. Teachers will not be able to see any other areas of Cambridge International Direct. Once a teacher has access they should select the ‘Extra services’ tab in the main navigation bar at the top of the School Support Hub home page. They can then select the ‘Results Analysis’ panel.
5. Which browser should I use to view Results Analysis?
We recommend you use Chrome or Firefox or the latest version of Internet Explorer (IE10 or 11). Results Analysis does not display properly using older versions of Internet Explorer. Both Firefox and Chrome are free to download.
6. Do Cambridge Associate Schools have access to Results Analysis?
Exams officers in Cambridge Associate Schools can access Results Analysis, and can give access to teachers in their school through the School Support Hub.
Cambridge Associates should make sure their schools have access to Cambridge International Direct and School Support Hub. If they do not the Cambridge Associate should be able to request access on behalf of their schools.
7. Can Cambridge Associates access Results Analysis to view data across their schools?
Although Cambridge Associate Schools have access to Results Analysis, Cambridge Associates are currently unable to use this service. However, this is something we will be looking at for the future.