Enquiries about results
If you think a student's grade is incorrect, you can ask us to check our marking or moderation using our enquiry about results' (EAR) services.
The most common enquiry about results services involve either a review of the marking or a re-moderation.
If the outcome of an enquiry is to change the student's grade, we will not charge you for it. If we got the grade wrong, you shouldn't have to pay us to put it right.
Professional judgement and tolerance
When an enquiry about results is made, we correct any errors in objective marking. Objective marking is when an answer is either correct or incorrect e.g. multiple choice questions.
However, not all questions can be marked objectively. Some exams require subjective marking, where deciding if the answer is correct or incorrect is not straight forward, e.g. essay questions. In these cases, the examiner makes a decision using their professional judgement as they apply the mark scheme. We take great care to train our examiners to apply their professional judgement consistently and have a number of checks in place to make sure this happens.
During the enquiry about results process, a senior reviewing examiner looks at the subjective marking for that script and states whether they agree or disagree with the original examiner’s marks. If the reviewing examiner disagrees with the original examiner’s marks, we review the level of difference between the marks given.
If the difference in the marking is greater than the agreed 'tolerance' for the paper we amend the marks. We amend the original marks because there is a significant difference in professional judgement between our examiners and we accept the judgement of the senior reviewing examiner.
If the difference in the marking is equal to or lower than the agreed 'tolerance' for the paper then the original marks stand. We allow the original marks to stand because this is a small difference in professional judgement between our examiners, and not an error in the way the mark scheme has been applied.
We use tolerance in this way both at the enquiry about results stage and during the main marking period. This helps to ensure that we are fair to all candidates, including those who do not request an enquiry about results. We apply this principle regardless of whether the reviewing examiner’s mark is higher or lower than the original mark.
Outcomes from an enquiry about results
We monitor the outcomes of enquiries about results for a number of reasons, including making sure that an examiner has not marked a substantial number of the papers from the same school incorrectly. If we are concerned this may have happened, we extend the enquiry to include other students from that school.
Extensions of enquiries about results to check students' work are extremely rare for papers marked on screen. This is because of the way in which students' papers are randomly allocated to examiners. It is highly unlikely that the same examiner has marked more than a small handful of papers from the same school and so equally unlikely that the criteria for an extension will be met.
Once an enquiry has taken place, we don't look at the marking of a paper again. However, you can use our appeals process if you think that in reaching our results, we have failed to apply our procedures properly and fairly in arriving at our judgements, or if you think that we used procedures that were inconsistent with our Code of Practice.
Stage 1 of the Appeals process is carried out by senior members of Cambridge staff. Stage 2 is carried out by an independent panel.
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