For more information watch a recording of our webinar or download our FAQs where we explain our 0-50 Cambridge Checkpoint scoring scale, our performance bands, and how this is reported to schools.
Feedback reports
Schools use the feedback from Cambridge Primary Checkpoint to make strategic decisions, drawing upon a pool of information and specialist reporting tools that we have built into the tests. You can use the reports to:
- tailor individual learning programmes
- monitor group and individual performance
- compare the performance of all learners taking tests in that session
- manage learning programmes within schools and as learners move between schools.
The test feedback measures a learner’s performance in relation to:
- the curriculum framework
- their teaching group
- a whole school cohort
- Previous years’ learners.
Learner report
The learner report for each individual learner gives a:
- Cambridge Checkpoint score achieved at subject level
- mark achieved at strand and sub-strand/skill level
- Statement of Achievement that shows the subjects and scores achieved.
Teaching group report
The report for each teaching group (or class) gives:
- the average Cambridge Checkpoint score achieved at subject and strand/skill level
- a learner distribution across ranges of scores
- a table of scores in alphabetical order by learner name with candidate number, strand scores and overall subject scores
- a table of learner marks achieved at strand and sub-strand level.
School report
The report at school level gives:
- the average Cambridge Checkpoint score for each subject
- the average score for each strand/skill
- the average scores achieved in the past five years
- an international average that shows the average score per subject/strand for all schools in the cohort.
End of series report
We also include a Principal's Examiner report for schools, which provides qualitative information on your students. The report includes types of learner responses and areas where they performed well, and common errors made on each part of the test question.
Find out more
To keep up to date with all the latest Cambridge Checkpoint news and updates, sign up to our primary and lower secondary mailing list.
For more information about making Cambridge Checkpoint entries, please refer to the relevant section of the Cambridge Handbook. The current version can be found on the Cambridge Exams Officers’ Guide pages of our website.