The multiple-choice answer sheet for Cambridge International AS & A Level listening and reading exams is designed for multiple-choice question papers that have 40 questions and answer options A-H.
This means that, in some exams, there will be more answer options on the multiple-choice answer sheet than on the question paper. Our question papers have the following answer options: A-C, A-D or A-H. Candidates should look carefully at the question paper and available answer options. They must make sure the answer they select on the multiple-choice answer sheet is one of the available answer options on the question paper.
For example, if a question has answer options A-D, candidates must only shade one of the A-D answer options on the multiple-choice answer sheet. They must ignore the extra answer options. Candidates must not cross out the extra options or make any other mark on the multiple-choice answer sheet other than shading in the correct answer.
Make sure you tell candidates and invigilators before the exam that the answer options on the question paper may not match the answer options on the multiple-choice answer sheet. It may be helpful to show candidates a sample multiple-choice answer sheet, along with a specimen question paper, so they are well prepared. The question papers follow the same pattern as the specimen papers. Therefore, showing candidates a specimen paper allows them to see how many answer options will be available on their actual question paper. Specimen papers are available on the School Support Hub and on the syllabus pages of our website. We recommend you also include this information in your invigilator training.
The question paper will not have more answer options than the multiple-choice answer sheet, so candidates will always be able to select the correct answer option to shade in.
Our supplementary multiple-choice answer sheet for Cambridge International AS & A Level language exams (Exam Day – Form 2a) also has space for candidates to answer 40 questions, with answer options A-H. This means, if you need to print off and use any supplementary multiple-choice answer sheets, they are the same as the ones we send in your pre-exam despatch (but not pre-printed with candidate details e.g. candidate name and candidate number).
You can find the supplementary multiple-choice answer sheet for foreign languages (Exam Day – Form 2a) on our administrative forms page under ‘Exam day’.