On this page you can find information about running exams:
Estimated entries
You do not need to submit estimated entries. We send all early despatch items based on final entries.
Carry forward entry rules
You must follow our rules for making carry forward entries. You must read our Carry-forward regulations supplement for Exams Officers and centre staff (PDF, 585KB). Use this in conjunction with the Cambridge Handbook and your Cambridge Guide to Making Entries (available on Cambridge International Direct) if you are making any carry forward entries.
Submit for Assessment
You can find more information about uploading and submitting moderated and examined work on our Submit for Assessment page.
Global Listening
You can find more information about securely downloading, storing and transporting audio files for listening exams on our Global Listening page.
Samples database: for coursework, speaking test and examined coursework components
The samples database contains important information about administering these components, including deadlines, sampling arrangements and forms. To see March series specific information, select 'India' or 'Romania' in the 'Your location' box and then select 'March' in the 'Series' box.
Visit the samples database
Early question papers and pre-release material
You can access early question papers and pre-release material in one of three ways:
- School Support Hub - You can access some materials on the School Support Hub from the relevant syllabus page.
- Digital File Despatch - We will send you some materials via Digital File Despatch. To access these early question papers and pre-release materials, you must first submit final entries.
- Printed - We are no longer sending materials in print, even if we have sent them in print previously.
See the table below which outlines how your school will receive early question papers and pre-release material for the syllabuses for which you have made entries. Please share this information with the relevant subject teachers.
Early question papers and pre-release material - March 2025 (XLSX, 10KB)
Practical test instructions for IT and ICT
We provide instructions to help you run practical tests for Cambridge International AS & A Level Information Technology (9626) and Cambridge IGCSE Information and Communication Technology (0417). Please see test dates and practical test instructions.
Additional exam materials list
Use our Additional materials list (PDF, 292KB) to find out the additional materials candidates need in the exam, the exam materials we provide and whether the candidates should answer directly on the question paper, writing paper/answer booklets or multiple-choice answer sheets.
Special consideration
Special consideration is a post-exam adjustment that we make to a candidate's mark. We do this to make allowances for some adverse circumstances, for example illness, bereavement, temporary injury or disruption to an exam. See our special consideration page.
We will tell you the requirements for special consideration in the March 2025 series as soon as we can.