For the March exam series we send pre-exam despatch materials in the same despatch as question papers for centres in India.
For all entries made by the first-time entry deadline only (27 November), pre-exam despatch (‘admin’) materials are packed and sent with question paper packets in the main question paper despatch.
What do I need to do?
You must check the contents of the despatch in the normal way and make sure you follow the regulations for handling confidential exam materials in section 4 of the Cambridge Handbook. You must store the questions papers and other confidential materials unopened in your secure storage until the time set for the relevant exam, but you can open the package labelled 'Admin' immediately.
How can I tell which box my admin materials are in?
The admin materials will be placed at the back of the box, or in the last box.
If there is more than one box of question papers the box with the pre-exam materials will have a label saying ‘Admin pack enclosed within this box’, as shown in the image below.
The pre-exam despatch materials will be packaged and labelled differently as ‘Admin' so you can clearly see which package(s) contain the non-confidential materials and can easily distinguish them from the blue question paper packets and other confidential materials, as shown in the images below.
The question papers will be packaged and delivered in exactly the same way as usual, in sealed blue security bags.
We will also include your pre-exam despatch materials (multiple-choice answer sheets, attendance registers, formula booklets, warning posters, script return envelopes, identification and return labels). Barcoded labels will be sent out in a later despatch.